Upload data

Nuvolos users can import and upload data into their tables. To do so, the user has a number of options which are illustrated below.

Uploading data programmatically


Instead of Pandas's df.to_sql, use nuvolos.to_sql , which has a similar signature but uses highly efficient bulk data loading. df.to_sql is not supported in Python applications running on Nuvolos.

from nuvolos import get_connection, to_sql
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv(...) #read your data
con = get_connection()
to_sql(df=df, name="table_name", con=con, if_exists='replace', index=False)

If you wish to upload data to Nuvolos from your own PC, please follow the instructions on how to obtain connection tokens and the database name and schema name to use:

from nuvolos import get_connection, to_sql
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv(...) #read your data
con = get_connection(dbname = "dbname", schemaname="schemaname")
to_sql(df=df, name="table_name", con=con, if_exists='replace', index=False)

To update to the latest nuvolos-odbc (for use in Nuvolos applications) or nuvolos package (for off-Nuvolos use), please execute the following commands in your Python environment:

In existing, older Nuvolos Python applications:

pip uninstall nuvolos
pip install --upgrade nuvolos-odbc

Off-Nuvolos, on your local PC:

pip install --upgrade nuvolos


Loading smaller tables:

df <- read.csv('path_to_data') #read your data
con <- nuvolos::get_connection()
DBI::dbWriteTable(con, name="table_name", value=df)

Loading large tables:

# Update the Nuvolos connector to the latest version
options(repos = "https://cran.rstudio.com")
use_condaenv(condaenv = "base", conda = "/usr/local/lib/conda/bin/conda")

nuvolos::to_sql(df=df, name="table_name", if_exists='replace', index=FALSE)

If you wish to upload data to Nuvolos from your own PC, please follow the instructions on how to obtain connection tokens and the database name and schema name to use:

df <- read.csv('path_to_data') #read your data

# Update the Nuvolos connector to the latest version
options(repos = "https://cran.rstudio.com")

# You need to restart your R session if miniconda was installed on line 7 and not before

nuvolos::to_sql(df=df, name="table_name", dbname="dbname", schemaname="schemaname", if_exists='replace', index=FALSE)


df = readtable('path_to_data')
con = get_connection()

Using Excel

To upload data to Nuvolos using Excel, please refer to our instructions on accessing and uploading data with Excel.

Support request

If you have a specific data onboarding task that you want to discuss with us, you can open a support request by sending an email to support@nuvolos.cloud.

Last updated

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