Using the CLI

The Nuvolos Python API allows you to list objects and create workloads directly in the CLI.

Displaying the help message

To display the available commands, run the nuvolos --help command:

Listing commands

To list the organizations you are affiliated with, use the nuvolos orgs list command:

All nuvolos ... list commands accept the --format flag to format the output in json or yaml:

As you can see in the output, Nuvolos objects (like organizations, spaces, and apps) are identified by slugs in the CLI, which are a normalized representation of their names.

They are unique within their level of hierarchy, i.e. organization slugs are globally unique, space slugs are unique within an organization, and application slugs are unique within an instance.

To list Nuvolos spaces in the current organization within which your Nuvolos app is running the CLI, use the nuvolos spaces list command:

If you run nuvolos spaces list on your local computer, or you want to list the spaces of another org, use the --org <org_slug> flag to specify the slug of the organization, as returned by the nuvolos orgs list command.

Listing running Nuvolos applications

To list the applications you have started and are currently running in Nuvolos, use the nuvolos apps running command:

This command will also display the status of apps (STARTING, RUNNING, STOPPING) and the current CPU and memory usage of apps.

You can filter the list of running applications for a given org/space/instance or application by specifying additional flags to the command:

Listing Nuvolos applications

To list the Nuvolos applications in the current Nuvolos instance you are working on, run the nuvolos apps list command:

If you are using the CLI on your computer or you want to list the applications in another Nuvolos organization/space/instance, you need to specify the slugs of the organization/space/instance in the command: nuvolos apps list --org <org_slug> --space <space_slug> --instance <instance_slug>

Starting a Nuvolos application

First, get the slug of the application you wish to run with the nuvolos apps list command, then start the application with the nuvolos apps start <app_slug> command:

If you want the command to wait until the application has started, you should specify the --wait flag:

This behavior is particularly useful when running a "Start app" -> "Execute command" -> "Stop app" pipeline, as you can be sure that the application will be ready to execute commands when the nuvolos app start <app_slug> --wait command returns.

Starting a Nuvolos application with a different size

You can start a Nuvolos application from the API in a different size, without needing to reconfigure it. First, you need to identify the node_pool slug for the credit-based resource size you want to use.

Running apps on credit-based resource sizes consumes Credits. Please check if your Nuvolos space is configured to run credit-based workloads.

You can get the list of available credit based-sizes, also termed node pools with the nuvolos apps nodepools command:

To start an app on a dedicated node from one of the node pools, add the --node-pool="<slug>" flag, and optionally the --wait flag, to the nuvolos apps start command:

Executing a command in a Nuvolos application

You can run a command in a running Nuvolos application as if you had a bash terminal opened in the given application. This lets you create an automated workflow to execute a workload on Nuvolos. You do this by automatically starting a pre-configured application, running a program in the application, and then stopping the application when the command finishes.

To submit a command for execution, use the nuvolos apps execute --app <app_slug> 'YOUR COMMAND' command, like:

Currently, not all Nuvolos application types support running commands. JupyterLab, VSCode (except for the versions with Airflow), Spyder, Terminal and newer RSudio apps support command execution only.

To list these applications, select the api_command_run:enabled tag on the Add new application screen.

Getting the output of the command

Upon every command execution, a new folder is created in the selected application's instance under the /files/nuvolos_api_out folder in a <timestamp>_<request_id> format, where the request ID (reqid) is returned by the CLI command. A metadata.json file is created to store details such as the application context, submission timestamp, and the submitted command:

Accessing standard output and standard error

By default, the standard output and the standard error of your command are redirected to separate files to ensure preservation. The files are located in the folder introduced above, called output.log and error.log, respectively.

nuvolos apps execute supports default an output redirect when exactly one command is submitted. If you submitted a command sequence (e.g. python && python, you need to specify the files where you intend to redirect the stdout and stderr of each command. Otherwise, the results of the commands without specifications will be saved in the default location.

Stopping Nuvolos applications

You can stop a running Nuvolos application with the command nuvolos apps stop --app <app_slug>:

Last updated