Find a state
To find a state (snapshot or the current state):
From the toolbar breadcrumbs, select the organisation, the space, and the instance where the state is located.
Using the breadcrumbs, click on the fourth item list to open the list of states.
If you are looking for the current state, then it will be displayed under "Mutable States", while if you want to find a snapshot, then it will be under "Immutable Snapshots".
Example 1: Find current state
Assume we want to find the "Current State" of the instance "New Instance" in the space "Demonstration Class" which is in the "New Organisation" organisation.
From the breadcrumbs, select the "New Organisation" organisation.
Select the "Demonstration Class" space.
Select the "New Instance" instance.
Open states list.
Select "Current State"
Example 2: Find a snapshot
Assume we want to find an immutable snapshot called "New Snapshot" created in the instance "New Instance" which is found in the space "Demonstration Class" in the "New Organisation" organisation.
Option 1: Via the breadcrumbs (quicker).
From the breadcrumbs, select the "New Organization" organisation.
Select the "Demonstration Class" space.
Select the "New Instance" instance.
Open states list.
Search for "New".
Select "New Snapshot".
Option 2: Via the timeline view (more detailed).
From the breadcrumbs, select the "New Organization" organisation.
Select the "Demonstration Class" space.
Select the "New Instance" instance.
Open states list.
Click on the blue timeline icon.
From the list, search for "New Snapshot"
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