Preview files
The Nuvolos Web UI enables working with the contents of certain file types without running Nuvolos applications
When working with the contents of files on Nuvolos, most of the time you are interacting with them from a Nuvolos application. However, the Nuvolos Web UI supports direct interaction with certain file types.
Edit files
Nuvolos allows editing simple text files via its Web UI, which means you can open many files without needing to start an application, such as
Files containing plaintext data (.csv, ...)
Plaintext files (.txt, .md, ...)
Source code files (.py, .m, ...)
The extension of the file does not matter. To open files for edit, click of the file's name in the file navigator and select Edit. If you don't see the edit option, it means either the file is too large (> 1 MB) or contains data that cannot be decoded to UTF-8 characters.
Preview files
There are a number of files that you can preview in read-only mode without starting an application:
PDF files (.pdf)
Notebook files (.ipynb)
To preview supported files, click on the file's name in the file navigator and select View. If you don't see the View option, it means previewing is not supported for that file type.
Last updated