File system and storage

Choose your context

In all of the following operations, we assume that you know how to pick the appropriate context for your work (that is, finding the current state of an instance in which you are implicitly or explicitly an editor).

Only current states can be modified - snapshots are immutable!

As an example:

Quota usage

Each Nuvolos subscription has a storage allowance on the Nuvolos filesystem that you are free to consume in an many spaces as you wish. However, to control situations with runaway storage allocation, each Nuvolos instance has a hard limit (quota) on how much data it is able to store. You can ask support to set up a custom quota for your space(s), the only requirement is that your total combined storage usage should be in line with your subscription.

You can easily check the quota and your storage consumption in any instance. After navigating to the files view of the instance you are working in, look for the quota badge at the top right of the screen:

You can click on the quota badge to bring up a detailed breakdown of your filesystem usage:

The screen breaks down the filesystem usage in the persistent locations of the instance:

  • Workspace files are the same for all users and applications in the space, so it cannot be broken down into smaller units.

  • Personal files are displayed per user in the instance (this is the total size of Linux home folders per user in this instance)

  • Application files are displayed per application (this is the total size of application libraries per application).

Increase quota

If you're already using more than 90% of your Nuvolos filesystem quota, a banner similar to the image below might show up in the files view for space administrators.

Normally, space admins can increase the space's quota 3 times to avoid disruption of work. However, keep in mind the following constraints:

  • Quota increase is only possible once you're close to exhausting it

  • You cannot choose the amount of the increase, it'll be offered by the system automatically

  • Every instance in the space with have the new, increased quota after you click the increase button

  • If the space's resource pool is already overusing its total combined file system storage, quota increase is not allowed

If you have business justification to further increase the quota as the system allows, please reach out to support to have your case reviewed.

Create a folder

After navigating to the files view of the instance you are working in:

Upload files

You can upload files and folders to Nuvolos with the upload button.

You can choose to upload files from your local device, or from a publicly accessible web address. The latter is recommended for uploading large amounts of data to Nuvolos, as it is handled by a background process and once started, you may even close your browser without interrupting the upload process.

Upload from Web Address currently only support publicly available URLs, without any form of authentication.

Certain servers respond with a "Not found" page, but no error code when trying to access a non-existent asset on them. In such cases, the "Not found" page will be uploaded to Nuvolos.

In case you cannot upload a file from your local device due to it being extremely large, you can either upload it via a Web Address (if possible) or try uploading it via JupyterLab:

  1. Use the upload feature in JupyterLab:

Download files

You can download a file by selecting it and finding the download button:

Delete files

You can delete one or more files by selecting them and then finding the delete button.

Move files

You can move files around in the directory structure using the following flow:

Copy files

You can copy a file to a different folder using the following steps:

Rename files

You can rename a file by selecting it and finding the rename button:

The diff feature

It is possible to view the difference of two text files in two different snapshots. In this example, we assume that there was a snapshot taken in the instance.

  • An orange dot next to a filename means that the file has not been snapshot yet.

  • A blue dot next to a filename means that the file has been snapshot and has been changed since the last snapshot taken.

  • A green dot next to a filename means that the file has been snapshot and has not been changed since the last snapshot taken.

Hovering over the dot pops up the diff menu:

The readme feature

If you create a file named in a folder, the user interface of Nuvolos will try to interpret and render it as a markdown file. The created in the root directory will also be displayed on the space overview page.

As an example:

You can do this in every folder if you want to - this is a great way to document contents of folders beyond the usual filename information you can provide yourself!

Last updated