Stata files

Stata is configured with a file, which loads the Nuvolos database connection string into the global macro conn_str.

You might also want to specify your own startup Stata commands. This can be done by creating a do file under ~/ado/personal/ The folder ~/ado/personal does not exist by default, you will have to create it once.

Creating your personal folder

There are multiple ways to do this. The simplest and most time efficient one is to use Stata's interface to create the folders and then save the file:

Make sure to save the file by selecting the home icon with datahub first - this is your home folder and Stata will look for the ado/personal folders there.

Adding your Stata license file

The applications with description "Stata XX YY with license from Nuvolos secret" are all application images which can be configured to run with a license file provided by you. These application images will only work if there is a STATA_LICENSE secret configured in your project. The secret can be either a personal, a space-level or an organisation-level secret.

Step 0: Make sure you have a working stata.lic file

Make sure you have the contents of your stata.lic file. This file is always located in the Stata installation directory.

  • On Windows usually under C:\Program Files\StataXX, where XX is the version number, e.g. Stata17, Stata18, etc.

  • On Linux it's usually somewhere under /usr/local/... - but you can always use the which command to locate the Stata binary, and the license file is usually located in the same folder.

Regardless of operating system, the license file is a plain text file that you can open with notepad or your favourite text editor.

Step 1: Add your secret

The type of secret (personal, space-level, org-level) is a question of your license type and your personal preference.

If multiple people in your project should use the same Stata license and your license terms allow it, it makes sense to configure a space level secret.

  1. Navigate to the secret creation screen of your preference.

  2. Save the secret.

Step 2: Add the application

Make sure you add any of the applications with description "Stata XX YY with license from Nuvolos secret".

Last updated